Organic Natural Skin Care

Organic Natural Skin Care

Did you know that the largest organ in our body is skin? What we put on our skin gets absorbed. Therefore, I make every effort to use organic natural skin care, free of toxic ingredients. After much searching I’ve found a product line I love.

My HeartMath Story

My HeartMath Story

Several years ago, I offered a presentation to a large group of nurses on the topic of pain assessment. I shared the techniques I adopted as a child life specialist.

In the front row sat an animated audience member. She nodded enthusiastically to everything I said.

Observations on Prayer

Observations on Prayer

Prayer for me is gratitude, respectfully sitting (walking, driving) with God. Prayer is being thankful for the many blessings in my life, the simple and sublime. A warm shower or incredible new grandnephews. Noticing the hand of God all around me in nature, in people, in circumstances.

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