My HeartMath® Story

Several years ago, I offered a presentation to a large group of nurses on the topic of pain assessment. I shared the techniques I adopted as a child life specialist, which included taking a few breaths before entering a patient’s room, mentally laying aside the things on my to-do list so that I could be entirely available to that patient and family.

In the front row sat an animated audience member. She nodded enthusiastically to everything I said. In the middle of my presentation, I stopped and asked her who she was, and invited her to chat with me after the session. When we sat down, she told me that I was describing HeartMath® techniques and she encouraged me to learn more.

As soon as I was able, I hopped online and learned everything I could about HeartMath. Registering for the course to become licensed as a one-on-one provider, my adventure in HeartMath and my transformation began. 

Learning the techniques, I quickly understood why my animated friend, a nursing educator at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and HeartMath provider, made the connection with HeartMath program. HeartMath is an intentional approach to relieving stress and becoming more resilient, every day. As I practiced, I discovered that my default responses to life’s challenges, and there were some significant personal challenges at that time, were less and less like “fight or flight” and becoming more measured and mindful

One simple, yet powerful tool is the Quick Coherence® Technique. Here’s a video where HeartMath’s CEO, Deborah Rozman, shares the Quick Coherence Technique.

I confess that when I learned this technique, I thought it was too simple to make a difference. I tend to believe efforts that have an impact have to be difficult. One day during a training session, I was struggling with symptoms of stress that felt like an elephant sitting on my chest. My HeartMath coach helped me see the dramatic difference the Quick Coherence Technique practice can make by guiding me through the technique, then repeating it when the first time didn’t relieve the heavy feeling in my chest.

For a decade I homeschooled my children, while at the same time serving as primary caregiver for my maternal grandmother, and I was actively involved in the care of my other grandparents as well. The role of caregiver came naturally for me, and I appreciated the opportunity to offer compassionate time and touch to the elders in my family.

Also, some people think if you use techniques like these, you become so relaxed you’ll drift into sleep. You need your edge when you are working, right? Practicing these techniques, you will discover your performance improves and your energy increases. You can find the research to back this up at

Now, I practice regularly with my Inner Balance™ app on my iPhone or the emWave® technology on my computer. I get into a comfortable position, attach the sensor to my earlobe and begin the training program on my device. It guides me to take steady, deep breaths while focusing on the area around my heart and positive feelings while monitoring my heart rate variability. The program lets me know when I am in that coherence zone when my heart and mind are in sync and communicating. I can even earn points for coherence and record how much time I am in the high coherence zone.

Having one of these devices is not necessary for using the HeartMath techniques, but I have found them to be extremely helpful.

Developing these practices was invaluable as I faced my cancer diagnosis and the myriad of decisions I had to make. People close to me often shared their thoughts and suggestions regarding my care, which was sometimes helpful, but other times it added chaos and confusion. Knowing how to focus my attention on my heart and find a place of coherence between my heart and mind, helped me sort through all the noise and determined what was right for me.

With just a few minutes a day, you can retrain your heart and mind connection, so you can be more present for the people around you and have confidence in the decisions you are making.

Or you may reach me via my contact page. 

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