New Cancer Diagnosis, Now What

New Cancer Diagnosis, Now What

You have received a new cancer diagnosis now what do you do?

Hearing about this diagnosis can be devastating, even paralyzing. Read these helpful tips and make use of the sections that make the most sense to you. I’m here to help you navigate your next steps.

New Diagnosis: Create a Healing Environment

New Diagnosis: Create a Healing Environment

Having a comfortable and relaxing environment in which to heal is critical to your well-being. Where is your best place to heal? If your home doesn’t’ feel like a safe, comfortable healing space what can be done to make it feel that way? Read on for tips and suggestions.

New Diagnosis: Select Your Healing Dream Team

New Diagnosis: Select Your Healing Dream Team

Your Healing Dream Team is broadly defined. It may include supportive friends, family, and pets, your medical team, nutritionists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and more. Members of this team support you in your forward progress. Surround yourself with supportive people.

New Diagnosis: Atraumatic Care and Self Care Plan

New Diagnosis: Atraumatic Care and Self Care Plan

Often when we first receive a cancer diagnosis all of our attention and intention is placed on what needs to be done medically. This is a logical and effective place to initiate our path to healing. However, other types of care are equally important.

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