What is Inner Balance™ Coaching?

The Inner Balance sensor and app has been especially helpful to me in my practice. The small ear sensor measures heart rate variability and coherence levels during practice sessions. This information offers more information to better understand how the body is responding to the techniques and coaches the user to help increase coherence.

During this one-hour coaching session, we’ll practice using this device together and help you find the best way to integrate this technology and some of the HeartMath techniques into your daily life. The Inner Balance is a useful tool but not necessary to use the many techniques HeartMath has to offer.

Click Here to Order your Inner Balance

Schedule a 50-Minute Inner Balance Coaching Session: $120


The first step in embodying HeartMath is practicing Inner Balance.

For further information, you may reach me via my contact page. 

HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. For all other HeartMath trademarks go to: www.heartmath.com/trademarks

The Inner Balance link is an affiliate link. If you purchase through this website, you won’t pay a penny more, but I may receive a small commission, which is greatly appreciated.

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